Offshore Wind US/IPF 2024Products & Services Project Management & Consulting
Project Management & Consulting
WINDEA's shareholders operate in the European offshore wind market since 2012. The project management teams can help you with:
- strategic assessments of port facilities for marshalling and O+M operations
- management of terminal operations (stowage. handling of heavy components, pre-assembly)
- training and material management concepts
- marine coordination and traffic monitoring concepts
- integration of subsea and geophysical survey solutions into our CTV and SOV
- strategic assessments of port facilities for marshalling and O+M operations
- management of terminal operations (stowage. handling of heavy components, pre-assembly)
- training and material management concepts
- marine coordination and traffic monitoring concepts
- integration of subsea and geophysical survey solutions into our CTV and SOV
Hoovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (HAUV) transportable by CTV, launched from Access Platform